Tagged with Prayer


In June I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Ecuador for a 10 day mission trip. Many of you prayed for me and even contributed financially to my trip and I truly, truly appreciate your support. I had a wonderful time and learned so much about myself, our awesome God, and the people of … Continue reading


Today, while reading about being “missional”, I encountered this question…  “if our local church were to disappear overnight, would the surrounding community even notice, much less miss us?” Wow. What a punch in the gut. Considering our church is looking at a probable location change, this question is particularly relevant to me. Lord, please forgive us … Continue reading

Exciting Opportunity

This summer I will be adding my third stamp to my passport. On June 22, I leave for Ecuador on a mission trip with about 8 other people. I will be in Guayaquil and Quito for 10 days assisting local missionaries with various ministries. Among other things, we will be helping with a medical clinic, … Continue reading

Team Connor

I have a student, Connor, who has been battling cancer since he was 4 years old. He is now 8. Imagine that–having cancer for half of your life. For half of your childhood. This is my third year to have Connor as a student in art, so, of course, I have only known him as fighting this … Continue reading