Over at the Pleated Poppy Lindsey gave the challenge of finding something in your closet that you don’t wear much and making it new again so here is what I came up with…

Black Linen Pants & Belt: Avenue

Green Tank: Lane Bryant

Necklace/Earrings: Local shop

Orange Crocheted Top: Kohls

The challenge piece was the orange crocheted top…I have had it at least three years but only worn it maybe twice. I never could get just the right outfit going…sometimes I would try to pair it with black and it came across Halloween-y or with brown I never seemed to have the right pieces to pull it together. Well, I think bringing in the necklace helped and I have been trying to leave my comfort zone of always thinking I have to wear a white shirt under everything, hence the green tank to mix things up a bit. I think it turned out pretty well…I will definitely wear this outfit again.

Also, Jason took these pictures for me at the END of the day so I look a mess! Whew…this was after carpool duty, hauling art supplies between campuses, and running errands after school.

I invite you to go take a look at all the other fabulous outfits at What I Wore Wednesday and come back next week for another challenge–building an outfit with thrifted or bargain-hunted pieces.

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